Flask Web开发从入门到放弃(一)
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  • 第1章 章节一

  • 01 内容概要

  • 02 内容回顾

  • 03 路飞学城之加入购物车

  • 04 路飞学城之结算

  • 05 路飞学城之立即支付

  • 06 路飞学城之后续计划

  • 07 Flask框架简介和快速使用

  • 08 FLask框架之用户管理系统示例(一)

  • 09 Flask框架之用户管理系统示例(二)

  • 第2章 章节二

  • 01 内容概要

  • 02 内容回顾

  • 03 Flask框架之配置

  • 04 Flask框架之创建路由的两种方式

  • 05 Flask框架之反向生成URL

  • 06 Flask框架之自定义路由转换器

  • 07 Flask框架之app.route参数

  • 08 Flask框架之获取子域名的路由

  • 09 上述内容总结

  • 10 Flask框架之视图中添加装饰器

  • 11 Flask框架之CBV和FBV

  • 12 Flask框架之请求和响应相关

  • 13 Flask框架之模板引擎

  • 14 Flask框架之session使用和源码流程(一)

  • 15 Flask框架之session使用和源码流程(二)

  • 16 Flask框架之before_request和after_request(一)

  • 17 Flask框架之after_request(二)

  • 18 Flask框架字号常见装饰器

  • 19 上述内容总结

  • 20 Flask之闪现

  • 21 Flask中间件

  • 22 Flask框架之蓝图(一)

  • 23 Flask框架之蓝图(二)

  • 24 拓展知识:pipreqs

  • 25 拓展知识:函数和方法

  • 第3章 章节三

  • 01 内容概要

  • 02 内容回顾

  • 03 threading.local学习

  • 04 自定义Local思路

  • 05 自定义Local对象(基于函数)

  • 06 自定义Local对象(基于面向对象)

  • 07 Flask上下文管理之本质分析

  • 08 Flask上下文管理之请求到处理阶段

  • 09 Flask上下文管理之视图调用阶段

  • 10 Flask上下文管理之视图调动阶段和结束阶段

  • 11 问题来了

  • 12 Flask中的g到底是什么呢?生命周期

  • 13 内容补充:面向对象的私有字段

  • 14 homework

  • 第4章 章节四

  • 01 内容概要

  • 02 内容回顾

  • 03 路飞学城补充:视频播放授权

  • 04 flask-session组件使用和原理(一)

  • 05 flask-session组件使用和原理(二)

  • 06 flask-session组件使用和原理(三)

  • 07 flask-session组件使用和原理(四)

  • 08 基于pymysql实现用户登录

  • 09 基于数据库连接池实现用户登录

  • 10 解决bug(一)

  • 11 解决bug(二)

  • 12 数据库连接池总结

  • 13 WTforms介绍以及用户登录示例

  • 14 WTforms用户注册示例

  • 15 内容总结

  • 16 homework

第1章 章节一

01 内容概要

1.1 路飞购买流程

  • 加入购物车
  • 结算
  • 去支付

1.2 Flask框架

  • 路由
  • 视图
  • 模板
  • session
  • ...

02 内容回顾

2.1 路飞学城项目结构

  2.1.1 前后端分离;

  2.1.2 导师后台+管理后台+主站(本人负责)

2.2 主站的功能

  2.2.1 Vue——兼职、课程列表、详细、深科技

  2.2.2 rest api

  • 课程系列——列表、详细、推荐课程、章节&课时、常见问题、评论
  • 深科技——文章列表、详细、评论、赞、收藏
  • 个人中心——我的账户、个人资料、订单、课程中心
  • 购买流程(复杂)——加入购物车、去结算、立即支付
  • 其他——关于我们、联系我们、意见反馈

2.3 技术点

  2.3.1 rest framework框架——认证组件(用于用户认证) or Django中间件,两者实现的时机不同,认证逻辑无需实现;

  2.3.2 跨域——jsonp(动态生成script标签) cors;

  2.3.3 Redis——购物逻辑,用户session两个场景下使用;

  • 频繁操作;
  • 中间状态;
  • 数据放入内容,速度快;
  • Redis锁

  2.3.4 支付宝支付接口

  • RSA加密;
  • 数字金额有要求,保留小数点后两位;
  • 两个URL;
  • 支付宝公钥和商户私钥;

  2.3.5 微信消息推送

  • 微信企业号
  • 沙箱环境
  • 普通消息和模板消息
  • 关注公众号,生成二维码
  • 通过js生成二维码
  • 唯一标识获取到

  2.3.6 ContenType

  • 参考Django settings
  • 参考Django 中间件

  2.3.7 rest framework分页

  2.3.8 接口写的最多的查询接口;

  2.3.9 视图

  • queryset

  2.3.10 序列化

  • __new__方法;
  • source
  • Method

  2.3.11 Git协同开发

  2.3.12 ORM操作

  • only
  • defer
  • exclude
  • filter

  2.3.13 CRSF

  • 基于中间件做
  • 基于装饰器

  2.3.14 Vue.js基本命令

  • Vue.js的基本命令
  • Router拦截器
  • Ajax——jQuery、axios ——本质都是XMLHttpRequest对象实现;
  • 请求头Content-Type:request.POST
  • json
  • vuex
  • vue-cookies

  2.3.15 面试题总结准备

  2.3.16 组织架构、人员配比、项目周期;

03 路飞学城之加入购物车

3.1 加入购物车 

#!/usr/bin/env python# -*- coding:utf-8 -*-import jsonfrom django.core.exceptions import ObjectDoesNotExistfrom django.conf import settingsfrom rest_framework.views import APIViewfrom rest_framework.viewsets import ViewSetMixinfrom rest_framework.viewsets import ModelViewSetfrom rest_framework.response import Responsefrom repository import modelsfrom api.serializer.payment import ShoppingCarSerializerfrom api.utils.auth.token_auth import LuffyTokenAuthenticationfrom api.utils.auth.token_permission import LuffyPermissionfrom api.utils import redis_poolfrom api.utils.exception import PricePolicyDoesNotExistclass ShoppingCarView(ViewSetMixin, APIView):    """    购物车接口    """    authentication_classes = [LuffyTokenAuthentication, ]    permission_classes = [LuffyPermission, ]    def get(self, request, *args, **kwargs):        """        根据用户ID获取购物车所有东西        :param request:         :param args:         :param kwargs:         :return:         """        response = {
'code': 1000, 'data': None} try: product_dict = redis_pool.conn.hget(settings.REDIS_SHOPPING_CAR_KEY, request.user.id) if product_dict: product_dict = json.loads(product_dict.decode('utf-8')) response['data'] = product_dict except Exception as e: response['code'] = 1001 response['msg'] = "获取购物车列表失败" return Response(response) def post(self, request, *args, **kwargs): """ # 根据课程ID获取课程信息以及相关所有价格策略 chopping_car = { request.user.id:{ course.id:{ title:'xx', img:'xx', choice_policy_id:1, price_policy_dict:{ {id:1,price:'9.9', period:'1个月'}, {id:2,price:'19.9',period:'3个月'}, {id:3,price:'59.9',period:'8个月'}, }, } }, course.id:[ title:'xx', img:'xx', choice_policy_id:1, price_policy_dict:{ {id:1,price:'9.9', period:'1个月'}, {id:2,price:'19.9',period:'3个月'}, {id:3,price:'59.9',period:'8个月'}, }, ] } } } :param request: :param args: :param kwargs: :return: """ response = {
'code': 1000, 'msg': None} try: course_id = int(request.data.get('course_id')) policy_id = int(request.data.get('policy_id')) # 获取课程信息 course = models.Course.objects.exclude(course_type=2).filter(status=0).get(id=course_id) # 序列化课程信息,并获取其关联的所有价格策略 ser = ShoppingCarSerializer(instance=course, many=False) product = ser.data # 判断价格策略是否存在 policy_exist = False for policy in product['price_policy_list']: if policy['id'] == policy_id: policy_exist = True break if not policy_exist: raise PricePolicyDoesNotExist() # 设置默认选中的价格策略 product.setdefault('choice_policy_id', policy_id) # 获取当前用户在购物车中已存在的课程,如果存在则更新,否则添加新课程 product_dict = redis_pool.conn.hget(settings.REDIS_SHOPPING_CAR_KEY, request.user.id) if not product_dict: product_dict = {course_id: product} else: product_dict = json.loads(product_dict.decode('utf-8')) product_dict[course_id] = product # 将新课程写入到购物车 redis_pool.conn.hset(settings.REDIS_SHOPPING_CAR_KEY, request.user.id, json.dumps(product_dict)) except ObjectDoesNotExist as e: response['code'] = 1001 response['msg'] = '视频不存在' except PricePolicyDoesNotExist as e: response['code'] = 1002 response['msg'] = '价格策略不存在' except Exception as e: print(e) response['code'] = 1003 response['msg'] = '添加购物车失败' return Response(response) def delete(self, request, *args, **kwargs): """ 删除购物车中的课程 :param request: :param args: :param kwargs: :return: """ response = {
'code': 1000} try: course_id = kwargs.get('pk') product_dict = redis_pool.conn.hget(settings.REDIS_SHOPPING_CAR_KEY, request.user.id) if not product_dict: raise Exception('购物车中无课程') product_dict = json.loads(product_dict.decode('utf-8')) if course_id not in product_dict: raise Exception('购物车中无该商品') del product_dict[course_id] redis_pool.conn.hset(settings.REDIS_SHOPPING_CAR_KEY, request.user.id, json.dumps(product_dict)) except Exception as e: response['code'] = 1001 response['msg'] = str(e) return Response(response) def put(self, request, *args, **kwargs): """ 更新购物车中的课程的默认的价格策略 :param request: :param args: :param kwargs: :return: """ response = {
'code': 1000} try: course_id = kwargs.get('pk') policy_id = request.data.get('policy_id') product_dict = redis_pool.conn.hget(settings.REDIS_SHOPPING_CAR_KEY, request.user.id) if not product_dict: raise Exception('购物车清单不存在') product_dict = json.loads(product_dict.decode('utf-8')) if course_id not in product_dict: raise Exception('购物车清单中商品不存在') policy_exist = False for policy in product_dict[course_id]['price_policy_list']: if policy['id'] == policy_id: policy_exist = True break if not policy_exist: raise PricePolicyDoesNotExist() product_dict[course_id]['choice_policy_id'] = policy_id redis_pool.conn.hset(settings.REDIS_SHOPPING_CAR_KEY, request.user.id, json.dumps(product_dict)) except PricePolicyDoesNotExist as e: response['code'] = 1001 response['msg'] = '价格策略不存在' except Exception as e: response['code'] = 1002 response['msg'] = str(e) return Response(response)

04 路飞学城之结算

4.1 结算 

#!/usr/bin/env python# -*- coding:utf-8 -*-import jsonimport datetimefrom django.conf import settingsfrom rest_framework.views import APIViewfrom rest_framework.response import Responsefrom api.utils.auth.token_auth import LuffyTokenAuthenticationfrom api.utils.auth.token_permission import LuffyPermissionfrom api.utils import redis_poolfrom repository import modelsclass PaymentView(APIView):    """    去结算接口    """    authentication_classes = [LuffyTokenAuthentication, ]    permission_classes = [LuffyPermission, ]    def get(self, request, *args, **kwargs):        """        获取结算列表        :param request:         :param args:         :param kwargs:         :return:         """        response = {
'code': 1000} try: # 结算商品列表 payment_list = redis_pool.conn.hget(settings.REDIS_PAYMENT_KEY, request.user.id) if not payment_list: raise Exception() response['data'] = { 'payment_list': json.loads(payment_list.decode('utf-8')), # 结算信息(课程、价格和优惠券) "balance": request.user.balance # 个人贝里账户,可使用贝里金额 } except Exception as e: response['code'] = 1001 response['msg'] = "结算列表为空" return Response(response) def post(self, request, *args, **kwargs): """ 去结算 方案一(示例):用户提交课程id,去redis购物车中获取其选好的价格策略,再次检测课程和价格策略的合法性。 PS: 直接购买时,需要先加入购物车,再立即去结算 方案二:用户提交课程id和价格策略id,去数据库验证其合法性。 PS: 直接购买时,直接去结算 user.id: { policy_course_dict:{ 课程ID:{ 'course_id': course_id, 'course_name': product['name'], 'course_img': product['course_img'], 'policy_id': product['choice_policy_id'], 'policy_price': policy_price, 'policy_': policy_period, 'coupon_record_list': [ {'id': 0, 'text': '请选择优惠券'}, {'id': 1, 'type':1, 'text': '优惠券1', ..}, {'id': 2, 'type':2, 'text': '优惠券1', ..}, {'id': 3, 'type':3, 'text': '优惠券1', ..}, ], }, 课程ID:{ 'course_id': course_id, 'course_name': product['name'], 'course_img': product['course_img'], 'policy_id': product['choice_policy_id'], 'policy_price': policy_price, 'policy_': policy_period, 'coupon_record_list': [ {'id': 0, 'text': '请选择优惠券'}, {'id': 1, 'type':1, 'text': '优惠券1', ..}, {'id': 2, 'type':2, 'text': '优惠券1', ..}, {'id': 3, 'type':3, 'text': '优惠券1', ..}, ], } }, global_coupon_dict:{ 1:{'type': 0, 'text': "通用优惠券", 'id': 1, ..}, 2:{'type': 0, 'text': "通用优惠券", 'id': 2, ..}, 3:{'type': 0, 'text': "通用优惠券", 'id': 3, ...}, 4:{'type': 0, 'text': "通用优惠券", 'id': 4, ...}, } } :param request: :param args: :param kwargs: :return: """ response = {
'code': 1001} try: """ 1. 获取要支付的课程ID 2. 检查购物车中是否存在,不存在则报错 循环用户提交的课程ID,去购物车中获取,如果不存在,就报错。 """ # 获取用户提交的课程id course_id_list = request.data.get('course_list') if not course_id_list or not isinstance(course_id_list, list): raise Exception('请选择要结算的课程') # 购物车中检查是否已经有课程(应该有课程的) product_dict = redis_pool.conn.hget(settings.REDIS_SHOPPING_CAR_KEY, request.user.id) if not product_dict: raise Exception('购物车无课程') # 购物车中是否有用户要购买的课程 product_dict = json.loads(product_dict.decode('utf-8')) # ###### 课程、价格和优惠券 ####### policy_course_dict = {} for course_id in course_id_list: course_id = str(course_id) product = product_dict.get(course_id) if not product: raise Exception('购买的课程必须先加入购物车') policy_exist = False for policy in product['price_policy_list']: if policy['id'] == product['choice_policy_id']: policy_price = policy['price'] policy_period = policy['period'] policy_valid_period = policy['valid_period'] policy_exist = True break if not policy_exist: raise Exception('购物车中的课程无此价格') policy_course = { 'course_id': course_id, 'course_name': product['name'], 'course_img': product['course_img'], 'policy_id': product['choice_policy_id'], 'policy_price': policy_price, 'policy_period': policy_period, 'policy_valid_period': policy_valid_period, 'coupon_record_list': [ {
'id': 0, 'text': '请选择优惠券'}, ], } policy_course_dict[course_id] = policy_course # 获取当前所有优惠券 user_coupon_list = models.CouponRecord.objects.filter(account=request.user, status=0) # ###### 全局优惠券 ####### global_coupon_record_dict = {} # 课程优惠券添加到课程中;全局优惠券添加到全局 current_date = datetime.datetime.now().date() for record in user_coupon_list: # 检查优惠券是否已经过期 begin_date = record.coupon.valid_begin_date end_date = record.coupon.valid_end_date if begin_date: if current_date < begin_date: continue if end_date: if current_date > end_date: continue # 全局优惠券 if not record.coupon.content_type: if record.coupon.coupon_type == 0: temp = {
'type': 0, 'text': "通用优惠券", 'id': record.id, 'begin_date': begin_date, 'end_date': end_date, 'money_equivalent_value': record.coupon.money_equivalent_value} elif record.coupon.coupon_type == 1: temp = {
'type': 1, 'text': "满减券", 'id': record.id, 'begin_date': begin_date, 'end_date': end_date, 'minimum_consume': record.coupon.minimum_consume, 'money_equivalent_value': record.coupon.money_equivalent_value} elif record.coupon.coupon_type == 2: temp = {
'type': 2, 'text': "折扣券", 'id': record.id, 'begin_date': begin_date, 'end_date': end_date, 'off_percent': record.coupon.off_percent} else: continue global_coupon_record_dict[record.id] = temp # 课程优惠券 else: cid = record.coupon.object_id if record.coupon.content_type.model == 'course' and cid in policy_course_dict: # 课程价格:满减,打折,通用 if record.coupon.coupon_type == 0: temp = {
'type': 0, 'text': "通用优惠券", 'id': record.id, 'begin_date': begin_date, 'end_date': end_date, 'money_equivalent_value': record.coupon.money_equivalent_value} elif record.coupon.coupon_type == 1 and policy_course_dict[cid][ 'policy_price'] >= record.coupon.minimum_consume: temp = {
'type': 1, 'text': "满减券", 'id': record.id, 'begin_date': begin_date, 'end_date': end_date, 'minimum_consume': record.coupon.minimum_consume, 'money_equivalent_value': record.coupon.money_equivalent_value} elif record.coupon.coupon_type == 2: temp = {
'type': 2, 'text': "折扣券", 'id': record.id, 'begin_date': begin_date, 'end_date': end_date, 'off_percent': record.coupon.off_percent} else: continue policy_course_dict[cid]['coupon_record_list'].append(temp) user_pay = { 'policy_course_dict': policy_course_dict, 'global_coupon_record_dict': global_coupon_record_dict } redis_pool.conn.hset(settings.REDIS_PAYMENT_KEY, request.user.id, json.dumps(user_pay)) except Exception as e: response['code'] = 1002 response['msg'] = str(e) return Response(response)

05 路飞学城之立即支付

5.1 立即支付 

#!/usr/bin/env python# -*- coding:utf-8 -*-import jsonimport timeimport randomimport datetimefrom django.conf import settingsfrom django.db import transactionfrom django.db.models import Ffrom rest_framework.views import APIViewfrom rest_framework.response import Responsefrom api.utils.auth.token_auth import LuffyTokenAuthenticationfrom api.utils.auth.token_permission import LuffyPermissionfrom api.utils import redis_poolfrom api.utils.alipay import AliPayfrom repository import modelsdef generate_order_num():    """    生成订单编号, 且必须唯一    :return:    """    while True:        order_num = time.strftime('%Y%m%d%H%M%S', time.localtime()) + str(random.randint(111, 999))        if not models.Order.objects.filter(order_number=order_num).exists():            break    return order_numdef generate_transaction_num():    """    生成流水编号, 且必须唯一    :return:    """    while True:        transaction_number = time.strftime('%Y%m%d%H%M%S', time.localtime()) + str(random.randint(111, 999))        if not models.TransactionRecord.objects.filter(transaction_number=transaction_number).exists():            break    return transaction_numberclass PayOrderView(APIView):    authentication_classes = [LuffyTokenAuthentication, ]    permission_classes = [LuffyPermission, ]    def post(self, request, *args, **kwargs):        """        去支付,生成订单。        获取前端提交的购买信息            {                course_price_list:[                    {'policy_id':1, '':'course_id':1, 'coupon_record_id':1},                    {'policy_id':2, '':'course_id':2, 'coupon_record_id':2},                ],                coupon_record_id:1,                alipay: 99,                balance: 1            }        1. 用户提交            - balance            - alipay        2. 获取去结算列表        课程        3. 循环所有课程            - 获取原价            - 抵扣的钱        :param request:         :param args:         :param kwargs:         :return:         """        response = {
'code': 1000} try: # 用户请求验证 policy_course_list = request.data.get('course_price_list') coupon_record_id = request.data.get('coupon_record_id') alipay = request.data.get('alipay') # >= 0 balance = request.data.get('balance') # >= 0 if balance > request.user.balance: raise Exception('账户中贝里余额不足') # 检查用户提交的信息在 redis结算列表 中是否存在,如果不存在,则需要用户从购物车中再次去结算 payment_dict_bytes = redis_pool.conn.hget(settings.REDIS_PAYMENT_KEY, request.user.id) payment_dict = json.loads(payment_dict_bytes.decode('utf-8')) policy_course_dict = payment_dict['policy_course_dict'] global_coupon_record_dict = payment_dict['global_coupon_record_dict'] global_coupon_record = {} # 全局优惠券 if coupon_record_id: if coupon_record_id not in global_coupon_record_dict: raise Exception('全局优惠券在缓存中不存在') global_coupon_record = global_coupon_record_dict[coupon_record_id] # 当前时间 current_date = datetime.datetime.now().date() current_datetime = datetime.datetime.now() # 原价 total_price = 0 # 总抵扣的钱 discount = 0 # 使用优惠券ID列表 if coupon_record_id: use_coupon_record_id_list = [coupon_record_id, ] else: use_coupon_record_id_list=[] # 课程和优惠券 buy_course_record = [] for cp in policy_course_list: _policy_id = cp['policy_id'] _course_id = cp['course_id'] _coupon_record_id = cp['coupon_record_id'] temp = { 'course_id': _course_id, 'course_name': "course", 'valid_period': 0, # 有效期:30 'period': 0, # 有效期:一个月 'original_price': 0, 'price': 0, } if str(_course_id) not in policy_course_dict: raise Exception('课程在缓存中不存在') redis_course = policy_course_dict[str(_course_id)] if str(_policy_id) != str(redis_course['policy_id']): raise Exception('价格策略在缓存中不存在') # 课程是否已经下线或价格策略被修改 policy_object = models.PricePolicy.objects.get(id=_policy_id) # 价格策略对象 course_object = policy_object.content_object # 课程对象 if course_object.id != _course_id: raise Exception('课程和价格策略对应失败') if course_object.status != 0: raise Exception('课程已下线,无法购买') # 选择的优惠券是否在缓存中 redis_coupon_list = redis_course['coupon_record_list'] redis_coupon_record = None for item in redis_coupon_list: if item['id'] == _coupon_record_id: redis_coupon_record = item break if not redis_coupon_record: raise Exception('单课程优惠券在缓存中不存在') # 计算购买原总价 total_price += policy_object.price # 未使用单课程优惠券 if redis_coupon_record['id'] == 0: temp['price'] = policy_object.price buy_course_record.append(temp) continue temp['original_price'] = policy_object.price temp['valid_period'] = redis_coupon_record['policy_valid_period'] temp['period'] = redis_coupon_record['policy_period'] # 缓存中的优惠券是否已经过期 begin_date = redis_coupon_record.get('begin_date') end_date = redis_coupon_record.get('end_date') if begin_date: if current_date < begin_date: raise Exception('优惠券使用还未到时间') if end_date: if current_date > end_date: raise Exception('优惠券已过期') # 使用的是单课程优惠券抵扣了多少钱;使用的 个人优惠券ID if redis_coupon_record['type'] == 0: # 通用优惠券 money = redis_coupon_record['money_equivalent_value'] discount += money elif redis_coupon_record['type'] == 1: # 满减券 money = redis_coupon_record['money_equivalent_value'] minimum_consume = redis_coupon_record['minimum_consume'] if policy_object.price >= minimum_consume: discount += money elif redis_coupon_record['type'] == 2: # 打折券 money = policy_object.price * redis_coupon_record['off_percent'] discount += money temp['price'] = policy_object.price - money buy_course_record.append(temp) use_coupon_record_id_list.append(redis_coupon_record['id']) # 全局优惠券 print(global_coupon_record) begin_date = global_coupon_record.get('begin_date') end_date = global_coupon_record.get('end_date') if begin_date: if current_date < begin_date: raise Exception('优惠券使用还未到时间') if end_date: if current_date > end_date: raise Exception('优惠券已过期') # 使用全局优惠券抵扣了多少钱 if global_coupon_record.get('type') == 0: # 通用优惠券 money = global_coupon_record['money_equivalent_value'] discount += money elif global_coupon_record.get('type') == 1: # 满减券 money = global_coupon_record['money_equivalent_value'] minimum_consume = global_coupon_record['minimum_consume'] if (total_price - discount) >= minimum_consume: discount += money elif global_coupon_record.get('type') == 2: # 打折券 money = (total_price - discount) * global_coupon_record['off_percent'] discount += money # 贝里抵扣的钱 if balance: discount += balance if (alipay + discount) != total_price: raise Exception('总价、优惠券抵扣、贝里抵扣和实际支付的金额不符') # 创建订单 + 支付宝支付 # 创建订单详细 # 贝里抵扣 + 贝里记录 # 优惠券状态更新 actual_amount = 0 if alipay: payment_type = 1 # 支付宝 actual_amount = alipay elif balance: payment_type = 3 # 贝里 else: payment_type = 2 # 优惠码 with transaction.atomic(): order_num = generate_order_num() if payment_type == 1: order_object = models.Order.objects.create( payment_type=payment_type, order_number=order_num, account=request.user, actual_amount=actual_amount, status=1, # 待支付 ) else: order_object = models.Order.objects.create( payment_type=payment_type, order_number=order_num, account=request.user, actual_amount=actual_amount, status=0, # 支付成功,优惠券和贝里已够支付 pay_time=current_datetime ) for item in buy_course_record: detail = models.OrderDetail.objects.create( order=order_object, content_object=models.Course.objects.get(id=item['course_id']), original_price=item['original_price'], price=item['price'], valid_period_display=item['period'], valid_period=item['valid_period'] ) models.Account.objects.filter(id=request.user.id).update(balance=F('balance') - balance) models.TransactionRecord.objects.create( account=request.user, amount=request.user.balance, balance=request.user.balance - balance, transaction_type=1, content_object=order_object, transaction_number=generate_transaction_num() ) effect_row = models.CouponRecord.objects.filter(id__in=use_coupon_record_id_list).update( order=order_object, used_time=current_datetime) if effect_row != len(use_coupon_record_id_list): raise Exception('优惠券使用失败') response['payment_type'] = payment_type # 生成支付宝URL地址 if payment_type == 1: pay = AliPay(debug=True) query_params = pay.direct_pay( subject="路飞学城", # 商品简单描述 out_trade_no=order_num, # 商户订单号 total_amount=actual_amount, # 交易金额(单位: 元 保留俩位小数) ) pay_url = "https://openapi.alipaydev.com/gateway.do?{}".format(query_params) response['pay_url'] = pay_url except IndentationError as e: response['code'] = 1001 response['msg'] = str(e) return Response(response)

06 路飞学城之后续计划

6.1 后续计划

07 Flask框架简介和快速使用

7.1 Flask Web框架;

7.1.1 Flask的上下文管理;

7.1.2 谈谈你对Python相关的Web框架的理解;

  • Django:大而全,重武器,内部提供:ORM、Admin、中间件、Form、ModelForm、Session、缓存、信号、CSRF;
  • Flask:短小精悍,可拓展强, 
  • Tornado,短小精悍,可拓展性较之Flask弱一些,但优点是:异步非阻塞;
  • Web.py:比较老的Web框架;
  • bottle.py:微小,1000行左右;
  • Django的请求过来先走wsgiref,然后middleware;
  • Flask中的WSGI是Werkzurg;

7.2 如何证明Flask内部是Werkzeug

  7.2.1 Flask的路由是装饰器;

# -*- coding:utf-8 -*-# Project: FlaskFull # Software: PyCharm# Time    : 2018-09-17 10:12# File    : s2.py# Author  : 天晴天朗# Email   : tqtl@tqtl.orgfrom flask import Flaskapp = Flask(__name__)@app.route('/index/')def index():    return 'Hello World!'if __name__ == '__main__':    app.run()#run_simple(host,port,app)

08 FLask框架之用户管理系统示例(一)

8.1 Flask框架之用户登录程序;

8.2 使用Pycharm安装Flask;

from flask import Flask, render_template, request, redirect, sessionapp = Flask(__name__, template_folder='templates')# 基于app这个对象设置secret_key的值,任意设置!app.secret_key = 'nishifdalkj4389!@#$28908'@app.route('/login/', methods=['GET', 'POST'])def hello_world():    # return 'Hello World!'    if request.method == "GET":        return render_template('login.html')    user = request.form.get('usr')    pwd = request.form.get('pwd')    if user == 'cuixiaozhao' and pwd == '123456':        # 将用户信息放入session;        session['user_info'] = user        """        RuntimeError: The session is unavailable because no secret key was set.  Set the secret_key on the application to something unique and secret. - - [17/Sep/2018 21:02:04] "POST /login/ HTTP/1.1" 500 -        """        return redirect('/index/')    else:        # 两种传值方法均可,比Django灵活一些;        # return render_template('login.html', msg='用户名或者密码错误!')        return render_template('login.html', **{
'msg': '用户名或者密码错误!'})@app.route('/index/')def index(): user_info = session.get('user_info') if not user_info: return redirect('/login/') else: return '欢迎登陆!'@app.route('/logout/')def logout(): del session['user_info'] return redirect('/login/')if __name__ == '__main__': app.run()

09 Flask框架之用户管理系统示例(二)

9.1 Flask框架用户登录示例二; 

from flask import Flask, render_template, request, redirect, sessionapp = Flask(__name__, template_folder='templates')# 基于app这个对象设置secret_key的值,任意设置!app.secret_key = 'nishifdalkj4389!@#$28908'app.debug = TrueUSER_DICT = {    '1': {
'name': '志军', 'age': 18}, '2': {
'name': '大伟', 'age': 48}, '3': {
'name': '美凯', 'age': 38}}@app.route('/login/', methods=['GET', 'POST'])def hello_world(): # return 'Hello World!' if request.method == "GET": return render_template('login.html') user = request.form.get('usr') pwd = request.form.get('pwd') if user == 'cuixiaozhao' and pwd == '123456': # 将用户信息放入session; session['user_info'] = user """ RuntimeError: The session is unavailable because no secret key was set. Set the secret_key on the application to something unique and secret. - - [17/Sep/2018 21:02:04] "POST /login/ HTTP/1.1" 500 - """ return redirect('/index/') else: # 两种传值方法均可,比Django灵活一些; # return render_template('login.html', msg='用户名或者密码错误!') return render_template('login.html', **{
'msg': '用户名或者密码错误!'})@app.route('/index/')def index(): user_info = session.get('user_info') if not user_info: return redirect('/login/') return render_template('index.html', user_dict=USER_DICT)@app.route('/detail/')def detail(): user_info = session.get('user_info') if not user_info: return redirect('/login/') uid = request.args.get('uid') info = USER_DICT.get(uid) return render_template('detail.html', info=info)@app.route('/logout/')def logout(): del session['user_info'] return redirect('/login/')if __name__ == '__main__': app.run()

10 homework

10.1 Flask装饰器、位置、url起个别名;

10.2 类似于Django中间件的东西,before_request装饰器;

10.3 上下文管理预习;

  • threading.local;

  • functools.wrappers;

  • functools.partial;

  • 面向对象中——__setarrt__;__getattr__;__delatrr__;

第2章 章节二

01 内容概要

1.1 配置文件;

1.2 路由

1.3 视图函数

1.4 请求和响应

1.5 templates模板

1.6 session(默认存储的签名的cookies中)

1.7 flash闪现

1.8 蓝图blueprint

1.9 常见的装饰器before_request

1.10 Flask中间件

02 内容回顾

2.1 装饰器;

# -*- coding:utf-8 -*-# Project: Day123 # Software: PyCharm# Time    : 2018-09-18 10:45# File    : 1.装饰器.py# Author  : 天晴天朗# Email   : tqtl@tqtl.orgimport functoolsdef wapper(func):    @functools.wraps(func)    def inner(*args,**kwargs):        return func(*args,**kwargs)    return inner'''1、执行wapper函数,并将被装饰的函数当做参数。wapper(index)2、将第一步的返回值,重新赋值给index = wapper(old index)'''#1、为什么要使用装饰器?在不改变原来函数的基础之上,对函数执行前后进行自定义操作;@wapperdef index(a1):    return a1 +1000v = index(2)print(v)#获取函数名print("打印函数名:",index.__name__)@wapperdef order(a1):    return a1+1000print(index.__name__)print(order.__name__)

2.2 带参数的装饰器;

2.3 什么是面向对象,为什么要使用面向对象?

# -*- coding:utf-8 -*-# Project: Day123 # Software: PyCharm# Time    : 2018-09-18 11:06# File    : 3.面向对象.py# Author  : 天晴天朗# Email   : tqtl@tqtl.org"""""谈谈你对面向对象的认识?封装:    将同一类方法分为一类,方法封装到类中;    将方法中的共同的参数封装到对象中,把共同的值封装到对象中;"""# 用户类实现;class File:    def __init__(self, a1, a2, a3, a4):        self.a1 = a1        self.a2 = a2        self.a3 = a3        self.a4 = a4    def file_add(self):        pass    def file_del(self):        pass    def file_update(self):        pass    def file_fetch(self):        pass# 给了一些值,将数据加工,应用场景:Django自定义分页;class Foo():    def __init__(self, a1, a2, a3, a4, a5, a6, a7):        self.a1 = a1        self.a2 = a2        self.a3 = a3        self.a4 = a4        self.a5 = a5        self.a6 = a6        self.a7 = a7    def sum(self):        return self.a1 + self.a2    def reduce(self):        return self.a5 - self.a7obj = File(1, 2, 3, 4)print(obj)  # <__main__.File object at 0x10bbf25c0>class A(object):    def __init__(self):        self.age1 = 123        self.a = A()class B(object):    def __init__(self):        self.age2 = 123        self.b = B()class C(object):    def __init__(self):        self.age3 = 123        self.c = C()class D(object):    def __init__(self):        self.age4 = 123        self.d = D()

03 Flask框架之配置

3.1 app.py;

from flask import Flask, render_template, redirectapp = Flask(__name__)# Flask的配置文件这么玩耍;app.config.from_object("settings.DevelopmentConfig")#settings后面是一个类名;@app.route('/index/', methods=['GET', 'POST'])def index():    return 'Hello World!'if __name__ == '__main__':    app.run()

3.2 指定settings.py文件; 

# -*- coding:utf-8 -*-# Project: Day123 # Software: PyCharm# Time    : 2018-09-18 11:25# File    : settings.py# Author  : 天晴天朗# Email   : tqtl@tqtl.orgclass BaseConfig(object):    DEBUG = False    TESTING = False    DATABASE_URI = 'sqllite://:memory:'class ProductionConfig(BaseConfig):    DATABASE_URI = 'mysql://user@production/foo'class DevelopmentConfig(BaseConfig):    DEBUG = True    DATABASE_URI = 'mysql://user@development/foo'class TestingConfig(BaseConfig):    DEBUG = True    DATABASE_URI = 'mysql://user@test/foo'

3.3 Flask配置文件详解; 

flask中的配置文件是一个flask.config.Config对象(继承字典),默认配置为:    {        'DEBUG':                                get_debug_flag(default=False),  是否开启Debug模式;        'TESTING':                              False,                          是否开启测试模式;        'PROPAGATE_EXCEPTIONS':                 None,                                  'PRESERVE_CONTEXT_ON_EXCEPTION':        None,        'SECRET_KEY':                           None,        'PERMANENT_SESSION_LIFETIME':           timedelta(days=31),        'USE_X_SENDFILE':                       False,        'LOGGER_NAME':                          None,        'LOGGER_HANDLER_POLICY':               'always',        'SERVER_NAME':                          None,        'APPLICATION_ROOT':                     None,        'SESSION_COOKIE_NAME':                  'session',        'SESSION_COOKIE_DOMAIN':                None,        'SESSION_COOKIE_PATH':                  None,        'SESSION_COOKIE_HTTPONLY':              True,        'SESSION_COOKIE_SECURE':                False,        'SESSION_REFRESH_EACH_REQUEST':         True,        'MAX_CONTENT_LENGTH':                   None,        'SEND_FILE_MAX_AGE_DEFAULT':            timedelta(hours=12),        'TRAP_BAD_REQUEST_ERRORS':              False,        'TRAP_HTTP_EXCEPTIONS':                 False,        'EXPLAIN_TEMPLATE_LOADING':             False,        'PREFERRED_URL_SCHEME':                 'http',        'JSON_AS_ASCII':                        True,        'JSON_SORT_KEYS':                       True,        'JSONIFY_PRETTYPRINT_REGULAR':          True,        'JSONIFY_MIMETYPE':                     'application/json',        'TEMPLATES_AUTO_RELOAD':                None,    } 方式一:    app.config['DEBUG'] = True     PS: 由于Config对象本质上是字典,所以还可以使用app.config.update(...) 方式二:    app.config.from_pyfile("python文件名称")        如:            settings.py                DEBUG = True             app.config.from_pyfile("settings.py")     app.config.from_envvar("环境变量名称")        环境变量的值为python文件名称名称,内部调用from_pyfile方法      app.config.from_json("json文件名称")        JSON文件名称,必须是json格式,因为内部会执行json.loads     app.config.from_mapping({
'DEBUG':True}) 字典格式 app.config.from_object("python类或类的路径") app.config.from_object('pro_flask.settings.TestingConfig') settings.py class Config(object): DEBUG = False TESTING = False DATABASE_URI = 'sqlite://:memory:' class ProductionConfig(Config): DATABASE_URI = 'mysql://user@localhost/foo' class DevelopmentConfig(Config): DEBUG = True class TestingConfig(Config): TESTING = True PS: 从sys.path中已经存在路径开始写; PS: settings.py文件默认路径要放在程序root_path目录,如果instance_relative_config为True,则就是instance_path目录;

04 Flask框架之创建路由的两种方式

4.1 基于@app.route('/index/', methods=['GET', 'POST'])装饰器方式实现;

4.2 通过研究源代码,基于app.add_url_rule('/order/', view_func=order)实现;

from flask import Flask, render_template, redirectapp = Flask(__name__)# Flask的配置文件这么玩耍;app.config.from_object("settings.DevelopmentConfig")# 添加的第一种方式,推荐使用装饰器的方式;@app.route('/index/', methods=['GET', 'POST'])def index():    return '# 添加的第一种方式,推荐使用装饰器的方式;'# 添加路由的另外一种方式;def order():    return '# 添加路由的第二种方式;'app.add_url_rule('/order/', view_func=order)if __name__ == '__main__':    app.run()if __name__ == '__main__':    app.run()

05 Flask框架之反向生成URL

5.1 Flask框架之反向生成URL,(url_for,endpoint) 

# -*- coding:utf-8 -*-# Project: Day123 # Software: PyCharm# Time    : 2018-09-18 12:06# File    : 4.反向生成URL.py# Author  : 天晴天朗# Email   : tqtl@tqtl.orgfrom flask import Flask, render_template, redirect, url_forapp = Flask(__name__)# endpoint&url_for不起别名默认就是函数名;@app.route('/index/', methods=['GET', 'POST'])def index():    v1 = url_for('n1')    # v2 = url_for('n1')    # v2 = url_for('n2')    v2 = url_for('login')    v3 = url_for('logout')    print(v1, v2, v3)    return 'Index'@app.route('/login/', methods=['GET', 'POST'], endpoint='n2')def login():    return 'Login'@app.route('/logout/', methods=['GET', 'POST'], endpoint='n3')def logout():    return 'Logout'

06 Flask框架之自定义路由转换器

6.1 Flask之自定义路由转换器; 

# -*- coding:utf-8 -*-# Project: Day123 # Software: PyCharm# Time    : 2018-09-18 19:14# File    : 6.Flask框架之app.route参数.py# Author  : 天晴天朗# Email   : tqtl@tqtl.orgfrom flask import Flaskapp = Flask(__name__)# 从旧功能重定向至新功能页面;Js可以做重定向;meta头、js location href@app.route('/index/', methods=['GET', 'POST'], redirect_to='/new/')def index():    return '旧的功能'@app.route('/new/', methods=['GET', 'POST'])def new():    return '新功能'if __name__ == '__main__':    app.run()

6.2 常见的路由系统;

  • @app.route('/user/<username>')
  • @app.route('/post/<int:post_id>')
  • @app.route('/post/<float:post_id>')
  • @app.route('/post/<path:path>')
  • @app.route('/login', methods=['GET', 'POST']) 
DEFAULT_CONVERTERS = {    'default':          UnicodeConverter,    'string':           UnicodeConverter,    'any':              AnyConverter,    'path':             PathConverter,    'int':              IntegerConverter,    'float':            FloatConverter,    'uuid':             UUIDConverter,}


def auth(func):            def inner(*args, **kwargs):                print('before')                result = func(*args, **kwargs)                print('after')                return result        return inner        @app.route('/index.html',methods=['GET','POST'],endpoint='index')        @auth        def index():            return 'Index'        或                def index():            return "Index"        self.add_url_rule(rule='/index.html', endpoint="index", view_func=index, methods=["GET","POST"])        or        app.add_url_rule(rule='/index.html', endpoint="index", view_func=index, methods=["GET","POST"])        app.view_functions['index'] = index        或        def auth(func):            def inner(*args, **kwargs):                print('before')                result = func(*args, **kwargs)                print('after')                return result        return inner        class IndexView(views.View):            methods = ['GET']            decorators = [auth, ]            def dispatch_request(self):                print('Index')                return 'Index!'        app.add_url_rule('/index', view_func=IndexView.as_view(name='index'))  # name=endpoint        或        class IndexView(views.MethodView):            methods = ['GET']            decorators = [auth, ]            def get(self):                return 'Index.GET'            def post(self):                return 'Index.POST'        app.add_url_rule('/index', view_func=IndexView.as_view(name='index'))  # name=endpoint        @app.route和app.add_url_rule参数:            rule,                       URL规则            view_func,                  视图函数名称            defaults=None,              默认值,当URL中无参数,函数需要参数时,使用defaults={
'k':'v'}为函数提供参数 endpoint=None, 名称,用于反向生成URL,即: url_for('名称') methods=None, 允许的请求方式,如:["GET","POST"] strict_slashes=None, 对URL最后的 / 符号是否严格要求, 如: @app.route('/index',strict_slashes=False), 访问 http://www.xx.com/index/ 或 http://www.xx.com/index均可 @app.route('/index',strict_slashes=True) 仅访问 http://www.xx.com/index redirect_to=None, 重定向到指定地址 如: @app.route('/index/
', redirect_to='/home/
') 或 def func(adapter, nid): return "/home/888" @app.route('/index/
', redirect_to=func) subdomain=None, 子域名访问 from flask import Flask, views, url_for app = Flask(import_name=__name__) app.config['SERVER_NAME'] = 'wupeiqi.com:5000' @app.route("/", subdomain="admin") def static_index(): """Flask supports static subdomains This is available at static.your-domain.tld""" return "static.your-domain.tld" @app.route("/dynamic", subdomain="
") def username_index(username): """Dynamic subdomains are also supported Try going to user1.your-domain.tld/dynamic""" return username + ".your-domain.tld" if __name__ == '__main__': app.run() a.注册路由原理

07 Flask框架之app.route参数

7.1 app.route的常见参数; 

# -*- coding:utf-8 -*-# Project: Day123 # Software: PyCharm# Time    : 2018-09-18 19:14# File    : 4.Flask框架之app.route参数.py# Author  : 天晴天朗# Email   : tqtl@tqtl.orgfrom flask import Flaskapp = Flask(__name__)# 从旧功能重定向至新功能页面;Js可以做重定向;meta头、js location href@app.route('/index/', methods=['GET', 'POST'], redirect_to='/new/')def index():    return '旧的功能'@app.route('/new/', methods=['GET', 'POST'])def new():    return '新功能'if __name__ == '__main__':    app.run()

8 Flask框架之获取子域名的路由

8.1 域名解析之A记录;

8.2 本地域名映射之hosts文件;

# -*- coding:utf-8 -*-# Project: Day123 # Software: PyCharm# Time    : 2018-09-18 19:14# File    : 7.Flask框架之获取子域名.py# Author  : 天晴天朗# Email   : tqtl@tqtl.orgfrom flask import Flaskapp = Flask(__name__)app.config['SERVER_NAME'] = 'www.cuixiaozhao.com:5000'# 从旧功能重定向至新功能页面;Js可以做重定向;meta头、js location href@app.route('/dynamic/', methods=['GET', 'POST'], subdomain='
')def sub_domain(username): print(username) return '旧的功能1'if __name__ == '__main__': app.run()

09 上述内容总结

9.1 url;

9.2 methods;

9.3 endpoint;

9.4 @app.route('/index/<int:nid1>/<int:nid2>');

9.5 url_for;

10 Flask框架之视图中添加装饰器

10.1 Flask框架中添加装饰器的注意事项;

  • @装饰器的顺序

  • 引入functools

# -*- coding:utf-8 -*-# Project: Day123 # Software: PyCharm# Time    : 2018-09-18 19:14# File    : 8.添加装饰器.py# Author  : 天晴天朗# Email   : tqtl@tqtl.orgfrom flask import Flaskimport functoolsapp = Flask(__name__)def wapper(func):    @functools.wraps(func)    def inner(*args, **kwargs):        print('before')        return func(*args, **kwargs)    return inner@app.route('/xxxx/', methods=['GET', 'POST'])@wapperdef index():    return 'Index'@app.route('/xxxx/', methods=['GET', 'POST'])@wapperdef order():    return 'Order'if __name__ == '__main__':    app.run()

11 Flask框架之CBV和FBV

11.1 CBV与FBV;

# -*- coding:utf-8 -*-# Project: Day123 # Software: PyCharm# Time    : 2018-09-18 21:57# File    : 9.Flask框架之CBV和FBV.py# Author  : 天晴天朗# Email   : tqtl@tqtl.orgfrom flask import Flask, redirect, render_template, viewsapp = Flask(__name__)import functoolsdef wapper(func):    @functools.wraps(func)    def inner(*args, **kwargs):        print('before')        return func(*args, **kwargs)    return inner@app.route('/xxx/', methods=['GET', 'POST'])@wapperdef index():    return 'Index'class IndexView(views.View):    methods = ['GET']    decorators = [wapper, ]    def dispatch_request(self):        print('Index')        return 'Index'app.add_url_rule('/index/', view_func=IndexView.as_view(name='index'))  # name == endpoint# CBV方式;class IndexView(views.MethodView):    methods = ['GET']    decorators = [wapper]    def get(self):        return 'Index.GET'    def post(self):        return 'Index POST'app.add_url_rule('/index/', view_func=IndexView.as_view(name='index'))  # name = endpointif __name__ == '__main__':    app.run()

12 Flask框架之请求和响应相关

12.1 Flask请求相关之request.xxx;

12.2 Flask响应相关之return和response;

# -*- coding:utf-8 -*-# Project: Day123 # Software: PyCharm# Time    : 2018-09-18 22:13# File    : 12.请求和响应.py# Author  : 天晴天朗# Email   : tqtl@tqtl.orgfrom flask import Flask, render_template, request, redirect, jsonify, make_responseapp = Flask(__name__)app.config.from_object("settings.DevelopmentConfig")@app.route('/index/', methods=['GET', 'POST'])def index():    # 请求相关;    request.args    # 响应相关;    return ''    return render_template()    return redirect('/index/')    # 返回json数据;    return json.dumps({})  # return jsonify({})if __name__ == '__main__':    app.run()"""        # 请求相关信息;        # request.method        # request.args        # request.form        # request.values        # request.cookies        # request.headers        # request.path        # request.full_path        # request.script_root        # request.url        # request.base_url        # request.url_root        # request.host_url        # request.host        # request.files        # obj = request.files['the_file_name']        # obj.save('/var/www/uploads/' + secure_filename(f.filename))        # 响应相关信息;        # return "字符串"        # return render_template('html模板路径',**{})        # return redirect('/index.html')        # response = make_response(render_template('index.html'))        # response是flask.wrappers.Response类型;        # response.delete_cookie('key')        # response.set_cookie('key', 'value')        # response.headers['X-Something'] = 'A value'        # return response"""

13 Flask框架之模板引擎

13.1 Flask的templates模板;

13.2 通Django十分类似,具备block继承、extends;

# -*- coding:utf-8 -*-# Project: Day123 # Software: PyCharm# Time    : 2018-09-18 22:23# File    : 13.模板.py# Author  : 天晴天朗# Email   : tqtl@tqtl.orgfrom flask import Flask, render_template, redirect, jsonify, make_response, Markupapp = Flask(__name__)# 全局模板——每个模板均可调用的函数;@app.template_global()def cxz(a1, a2):    return a1 + a2def input(value):    return Markup("" % value)def gen_input(value):    return Markup("" % value)@app.route('/computed/', methods=['GET', 'POST'])def computed():    context = {        'k1': 123,        'k2': [11, 22, 33],        'k3': {
'name': 'cuixiaozhao', 'age': 84}, 'k4': lambda x: x + 1, # 用户写简单的函数; 'k5': gen_input } return render_template('index.html', **context)if __name__ == '__main__': app.run()


{% block content %} {% endblock %}


{% extends 'layout.html' %}{% block content %}    

{ k1 }}

{ k2.0 }} {
{ k2[0] }}

{ k3.name }} {
{ k3['name'] }}{
{ k3.get('name',19930911) }}

{ k4 }}

{ k5(99) }}

{% endblock %}

14 Flask框架之session使用和源码流程(一)

15 Flask框架之session使用和源码流程(二)

14.1 & 15.1 之session使用和源码; 

# -*- coding:utf-8 -*-# Project: Day123 # Software: PyCharm# Time    : 2018-09-19 16:37# File    : 1.Flask中的session.py# Author  : 天晴天朗# Email   : tqtl@tqtl.org"""""Session的请求流程;1、请求刚刚到达;2、视图函数;3、请求结果;"""from flask import Flask, sessionapp = Flask(__name__)app.secret_key = 'fdjljfaljfkla'@app.route('/index/')def index():    session['k1'] = 123    return 'Index'@app.route('/order/')def order():    print(session['k1'])    return 'Order'if __name__ == '__main__':    app.run()"""1、Flask2、RequestContext3、Request4、SecureCookieSessionInterface5、SecureCookieSession(dict )"""

16 Flask框架之before_request和after_request(一)

16.1 Flask框架中的内置装饰器之before_request和after_request; 

# -*- coding:utf-8 -*-# Project: Day123 # Software: PyCharm# Time    : 2018-09-19 17:22# File    : 1.Flask中内置的特殊装饰器.py# Author  : 天晴天朗# Email   : tqtl@tqtl.orgfrom flask import Flask, render_template, redirectapp = Flask(__name__)# before_request和after_request类似于Django中的中间件middleware;@app.before_requestdef before_req():    print('before_request,前')@app.before_requestdef before_req1():    print('before_request1,前')# request之前,会添加一个reverse反转;@app.after_requestdef after_req(response):    print('after_request, 后')    return response@app.after_requestdef after_req1(response):    print('after_request1, 后')    return response@app.route('/x1/', methods=['GET', 'POST'])def x1():    print('视图函数X1')    return 'X1'@app.route('/x2/', methods=['GET', 'POST'])def x2():    print('视图函数X2')    return 'X2'if __name__ == '__main__':    app.run()

17 Flask框架之after_request(二)

17.1 基于before_request的用户登录示例; 

# -*- coding:utf-8 -*-# Project: Day123 # Software: PyCharm# Time    : 2018-09-19 17:22# File    : 2.基于Flask中内置的特殊装饰器做登录验证.py# Author  : 天晴天朗# Email   : tqtl@tqtl.orgfrom flask import Flask, render_template, redirect, request, sessionapp = Flask(__name__)app.secret_key = 'fdsjklfdjaslkjflas'# before_request和after_request类似于Django中的中间件middleware;@app.before_requestdef check_login():    if request.path == '/login/':        return None    user = session.get('user_info')    if not user:        return redirect('/login/')@app.route('/login/', methods=['GET', 'POST'])def login():    return 'Login'@app.route('/index/', methods=['GET', 'POST'])def index():    return 'Index'if __name__ == '__main__':    app.run()

18 Flask框架字号常见装饰器

18.1 Flask中其他常见的装饰器;

  • before_first_request
  • before_request
  • after_request
  • teardown_request
  • after_this_request
  • errorhandler(404)
  • ...
# -*- coding:utf-8 -*-# Project: Day123 # Software: PyCharm# Time    : 2018-09-19 17:44# File    : 3.Flask中其他常见的装饰器.py# Author  : 天晴天朗# Email   : tqtl@tqtl.orgfrom flask import Flask, Request, render_templateapp = Flask(__name__, template_folder='templates')app.debug = True@app.before_first_requestdef before_first_request1():    print('before_first_request1')@app.before_first_requestdef before_first_request2():    print('before_first_request2')@app.before_requestdef before_request1():    Request.nnn = 123    print('before_request1')@app.before_requestdef before_request2():    print('before_request2')@app.after_requestdef after_request1(response):    print('before_request1', response)    return response@app.after_requestdef after_request2(response):    print('before_request2', response)    return response@app.errorhandler(404)def page_not_found(error):    return 'This page does not exist', 404@app.template_global()def sb(a1, a2):    return a1 + a2@app.template_filter()def db(a1, a2, a3):    return a1 + a2 + a3@app.route('/')def hello_world():    return render_template('index.html')if __name__ == '__main__':    app.run()

19 上述内容总结




  19.1.3视图之CBV(class-based views )&FBV(function base view)


  19.1.5response = make_response(...)




20 Flask之闪现

20.1 Flask之消息闪现flask& get_flashed_messages;(内部原理基于session实现)


# -*- coding:utf-8 -*-# Project: Day123 # Software: PyCharm# Time    : 2018-09-19 18:03# File    : 1.Flask之消息闪现flush.py# Author  : 天晴天朗# Email   : tqtl@tqtl.orgfrom flask import Flask, session, flash, get_flashed_messagesapp = Flask(__name__)app.secret_key = 'fdjslkjflkafdaklfjdlakfj'# # 生成session;# @app.route('/x1/', methods=['GET', 'POST'])# def login():#     session['mgs'] = 'cuixiaozhao'#     return '视图函数1'### # 销毁session;;# @app.route('/x2/', methods=['GET', 'POST'])# def index():#     msg = session.pop('msg')#     print(msg)#     return '视图函数2'# 消息闪现之flask生成session;@app.route('/x1/', methods=['GET', 'POST'])def login():    flash('cuixiaozhao', category='x1')    flash('cuixiaozhao', category='x2')    return '视图函数1'# 消息闪现之flask销毁session;;@app.route('/x2/', methods=['GET', 'POST'])def index():    data = get_flashed_messages(category_filter=['x1', 'x2'])    print(data)    return '视图函数2'if __name__ == '__main__':    app.run()

21 Flask中间件

21.1 Flask中自定义中间件; 

# -*- coding:utf-8 -*-# Project: Day123 # Software: PyCharm# Time    : 2018-09-19 18:13# File    : 1.Flask之中间件.py# Author  : 天晴天朗# Email   : tqtl@tqtl.orgfrom flask import Flaskapp = Flask(__name__)app.secret_key = 'fjaljfdklajfkdasl'@app.route('/x2', methods=['GET', 'POST'])def index():    return 'x2'class MiddleWare(object):    def __init__(self, old_wsgi_app):        self.old_wsgi_app = old_wsgi_app    def __call__(self, *args, **kwargs):        print('before')        obj = self.old_wsgi_app(*args, **kwargs)        print('after')        return objif __name__ == '__main__':    app.wsgi_app = MiddleWare(app.wsgi_app)    app.run()"""1、执行app.__call__方法;2、在调用app.wsgi_app方法;"""

22 Flask框架之蓝图(一)

  简单来说,Blueprint 是一个存储操作方法的容器,这些操作在这个Blueprint 被注册到一个应用之后就可以被调用,Flask 可以通过Blueprint来组织URL以及处理请求。Flask使用Blueprint让应用实现模块化,在Flask中,Blueprint具有如下属性:

  • 一个应用可以具有多个Blueprint;
  • 可以将一个Blueprint注册到任何一个未使用的URL下比如 “/”、“/sample”或者子域名;
  • 在一个应用中,一个模块可以注册多次;
  • Blueprint可以单独具有自己的模板、静态文件或者其它的通用操作方法,它并不是必须要实现应用的视图和函数的;
  • 在一个应用初始化时,就应该要注册需要使用的Blueprint;

22.1 创建Flask项目ProFlask;

22.2 自定义文件存储目录;


from flask import Flaskapp = Flask(__name__)# @app.route('/index/')# def index():#     passfrom .views import accountfrom .views import adminfrom .views import userapp.register_blueprint(account.ac)app.register_blueprint(admin.ad)app.register_blueprint(user.us)


# -*- coding:utf-8 -*-# Project: Pro_Flask # Software: PyCharm# Time    : 2018-09-19 19:08# File    : account.py# Author  : 天晴天朗# Email   : tqtl@tqtl.orgfrom flask import Flask, render_template# 蓝图Blueprint;from flask import Blueprintac = Blueprint('ac', __name__)@ac.route('/login/')def login():    #return 'Login'    return render_template('login.html')@ac.route('/logout/')def logout():    return 'Logout' 

23 Flask框架之蓝图(二)

23.1 蓝图的三大作用(相当于Django中的app);

  • 目录结构的划分;
  • URL的划分;
  • 给每一类URL添加before_request

24 拓展知识:pipreqs工具

24.1 项目依赖;

24.2 拿到代码启动不起来;

24.3 pip3 install pipreqs;(自动查找项目所需要的依赖包及版本号);

24.4 pipreqs ./ --force 强制生成依赖文件;

24.5 pip3 install -i requirements.txt 安装依赖文件;

25 拓展知识:函数和方法

25.1 什么是函数?

25.2 什么是方法?

# -*- coding:utf-8 -*-# Project: Day123 # Software: PyCharm# Time    : 2018-09-19 20:40# File    : 1.函数和方法的区别.py# Author  : 天晴天朗# Email   : tqtl@tqtl.orgfrom types import MethodType, FunctionTypeclass Foo(object):    def fetch(self):        passprint(isinstance(Foo.fetch, MethodType))  # Falseprint(isinstance(Foo.fetch, FunctionType))  # Trueobj = Foo()print(obj.fetch)  # 
>print(isinstance(obj.fetch, MethodType)) # Falseprint(isinstance(Foo.fetch, FunctionType)) # True"""类、对象、方法、函数可以➕();方法和函数的区别:被谁来调用!"""

第3章 章节三

01 内容概要

1.1 Flask提升逼格的时候;

1.2 Flask的上下文管理;

1.3 threading.local;

1.4 数据库连接池;

02 内容回顾

2.1 常用的Linux命令(100+);

2.2 常见算法搞定;

2.3 数据库连接池;

2.4 面向对象的特殊方法;

  • call;
  • new;
  • and;
  • equal;
  • next;
  • dict;

2.5 functools;

  • functools.partial();
  • 装饰器的应用场景;-Flask路由以及before_request、登录认证、Django缓存\CSRF_TOKEN;

2.6 Flask中的蓝图Blueprint;

2.7 Flask中的session;

03 threading.local学习

3.1 threading.local初识;

# -*- coding:utf-8 -*-# Project: Threading # Software: PyCharm# Time    : 2018-09-19 22:40# File    : 1.ThreadingLocal.py# Author  : 天晴天朗# Email   : tqtl@tqtl.orgfrom threading import localfrom threading import Threadimport time# 特殊的对象;xiaozhao = local()# xiaozhao = -1def task(arg):    # global xiaozhao    xiaozhao.value = arg    time.sleep(2)    print(xiaozhao.value)for i in range(10):    t = Thread(target=task, args=(i,))    t.start()

04 自定义Local思路

05 自定义Local对象(基于函数)

5.1 基于get_ident实现;


#!/usr/bin/python3# -*- coding:utf-8 -*-# Project: Threading # Software: PyCharm# Time    : 2018-09-20 09:11# File    : 3.自定义Local对象(基于函数).py# Author  : 天晴天朗# Email   : tqtl@tqtl.orgfrom threading import get_ident, Threadimport timestorage = {}def set(k, v):    ident = get_ident()    if ident in storage:        storage[ident][k] = v    storage[ident] = {k: v}def get(k):    ident = get_ident()    return storage[ident][k]def task(arg):    set('val', arg)    print(storage)    time.sleep(2)    v = get('val')    print(v)for i in range(10):    t = Thread(target=task, args=(i,))    t.start()

06 自定义Local对象(基于面向对象)

6.1 基于面向对象basic;

#!/usr/bin/python3# -*- coding:utf-8 -*-# Project: Threading # Software: PyCharm# Time    : 2018-09-20 09:20# File    : 4.自定义Local对象(基于面向对象).py# Author  : 天晴天朗# Email   : tqtl@tqtl.orgfrom threading import get_identfrom threading import Threadclass Local(object):    storage = {}    def set(self, k, v):        ident = get_ident()        if ident in Local.storage:            Local.storage[ident][k] = v        else:            Local.storage[ident] = {k: v}    def get(self, k):        ident = get_ident()        return Local.storage[ident][k]obj = Local()def task(arg):    obj.set('val', arg)    v = obj.get('val')    print(v)for i in range(10):    t = Thread(target=task, args=(i,))    t.start()

6.2 基于面向对象优化版;

#!/usr/bin/python3# -*- coding:utf-8 -*-# Project: Threading # Software: PyCharm# Time    : 2018-09-20 09:20# File    : 5.自定义Local对象(基于面向对象优化版 ).py# Author  : 天晴天朗# Email   : tqtl@tqtl.orgfrom threading import get_identfrom threading import Threadclass Local(object):    def __setattr__(self, k, v):        # self.storage = {}        object.__setattr__(self, 'storage', {})        ident = get_ident()        if ident in self.storage:            self.storage[ident][k] = v        else:            self.storage[ident] = {k: v}def __getattr__(self, item):    ident = get_ident()    return self.storage[ident][item]obj = Local()obj1 = Local()def task(arg):    obj.val = arg    obj1.val = arg    print(obj.val)for i in range(10):    t = Thread(target=task, args=(i,))    t.start()

6.3 基于面向对象升级版;

#!/usr/bin/python3# -*- coding:utf-8 -*-# Project: Threading # Software: PyCharm# Time    : 2018-09-20 09:20# File    : 4.自定义Local对象(基于面向对象).py# Author  : 天晴天朗# Email   : tqtl@tqtl.orgfrom threading import get_identfrom threading import Threadclass Local(object):    storage = {}    def __setattr__(self, k, v):        ident = get_ident()        if ident in Local.storage:            Local.storage[ident][k] = v        else:            Local.storage[ident] = {k: v}    def __getattr__(self, item):        ident = get_ident()        return Local.storage[ident][item]obj = Local()def task(arg):    obj.val = arg    print(obj.val)for i in range(10):    t = Thread(target=task, args=(i,))    t.start()

6.4 基于面向对象greenlet版本; 

#!/usr/bin/python3# -*- coding:utf-8 -*-# Project: Threading # Software: PyCharm# Time    : 2018-09-20 09:20# File    : 7.自定义Local对象(基于greenlet).py# Author  : 天晴天朗# Email   : tqtl@tqtl.orgtry:    from greenlet import getcurrent as get_identexcept Exception as e:    from threading import get_identfrom threading import Threadclass Local(object):    storage = {}    def __setattr__(self, k, v):        ident = get_ident()        if ident in Local.storage:            Local.storage[ident][k] = v        else:            Local.storage[ident] = {k: v}    def __getattr__(self, item):        ident = get_ident()        return Local.storage[ident][item]obj = Local()def task(arg):    obj.val = arg    print(obj.val)for i in range(10):    t = Thread(target=task, args=(i,))    t.start()

07 Flask上下文管理之本质分析 

#!/usr/bin/python3# -*- coding:utf-8 -*-# Project: Threading # Software: PyCharm# Time    : 2018-09-20 09:45# File    : 1.Flask源码分析上下文管理.py# Author  : 天晴天朗# Email   : tqtl@tqtl.orgfrom flask import Flaskapp = Flask(__name__)@app.route('/')def hello_world():    return 'cuixiaozhao!'if __name__ == '__main__':    app.__call__    app.run()    """""1、第一个阶段:将ctx(request,session)放到Local对象;2、第二阶段:视图函数导入:request、session;3、请求处理完毕:    -获取session并保存到cookie;    -将ctx删除;"""

08 Flask上下文管理之请求到处理阶段

8.1 Flask中的session是何时创建何时销毁的?request_context,localstack、local;

09 Flask上下文管理之视图调用阶段

9.1 调用阶段;

10 Flask上下文管理之视图调动阶段和结束阶段

10.1 视图调用阶段和结束阶段;

11 问题来了

11.1 Flask中一共有几个Local和Local对象?


12 Flask中的g到底是什么呢?生命周期?

12.1 Flask的g对象范围;

13 内容补充:面向对象的私有字段

13.1 私有字段不建议去调动;

  • obj = Foo()
  • obj._Foo_age(类名前加下划线)

14 homework

14.1 按照组为单位,画图-类的调用关系图;

第4章 章节四

01 内容概要

1.1 flask-session;

1.2 单独模块-数据库连接池DBUtils;

1.3 原生SQL(基于pymysql)还是ORM好?!

1.4 wtforms(任何Django框架都可使用);

1.5 SQLAchemy、flask-sqlachemy;

1.6 flask-script;

1.7 flask-migrate;

02 内容回顾

2.1 谈谈Django和Flask的认识?

2.2 Django的上下文管理机制?

2.3 ctx = RequestContext(request,session)

2.4 Local对象的作用?

  • 看过Local源码,和Threading.local相似但又有不同之处;
  • 不同之处在于,Local中基于greenlet获取唯一表示,颗粒度更细;

2.5 为什么使用Localstack?对Local对象中的数据进行操作。

2.6 上下文管理分为两个-请求上下文和App上下文

2.7 什么是g?一次请求周期内的全局变量。

2.8 获取session和g的流程。

2.9 Flask中的技术点。

  • 反射;
  • 面向对象-封装、继承和多态;
  • __dict__;
  • 线程相关的东西-threading.local;
  • 自己写一个类+列表,实现一个栈(基于Localstack实现栈);

03 路飞学城补充:视频播放授权

4.1 CC视频播放授权;

04 flask-session组件使用和原理(一)

 4.1 flask-session;

#!/usr/bin/python3# -*- coding:utf-8 -*-# Project: Flask_Session # Software: PyCharm# Time    : 2018-09-20 16:14# File    : 1.flask_session.py# Author  : 天晴天朗# Email   : tqtl@tqtl.orgfrom flask import Flask, sessionfrom flask_session import RedisSessionInterfaceapp = Flask(__name__)app.secret_key = 'fdahfdafdajfalk'# 默认session保存操作;# from flask.sessions import SecureCookieSessionInterface# app.session_interface = SecureCookieSessionInterface()# 使用Redis保存session;from flask.ext.session import Sessionfrom redis import Redisapp.config['SESSION_TYPE'] = 'redis'app.config['SESSION_REDIS'] = Redis(host='', port='6379')app.session_interface = RedisSessionInterface(    redis=Redis(host='', port=6379),    key_prefix='flaskxxxx')@app.route('/login/')def login():    session['k1'] = 123    return 'Login'@app.route('/index/')def index():    v = session['k1']    print(v)    return 'Index'if __name__ == '__main__':    app.run()

05 flask-session组件使用和原理(二)

5.1 原理难,实现的机制难,使用起来比较容易,但是要想学好, 必须懂原理;

5.2 MTV 和MVC设计模式;

  • MTV-Model、Templates、View;
  • MVC-Model、View、Controller;

5.3 自定义Flask项目Flask_Session;


#!/usr/bin/python3# -*- coding:utf-8 -*-# Project: Flask_Session # Software: PyCharm# Time    : 2018-09-20 16:46# File    : __init__.py# Author  : 天晴天朗# Email   : tqtl@tqtl.orgfrom flask import Flaskfrom .views import accountfrom .views import homedef create_app():    app = Flask(__name__)    app.config.from_object('settings.DevelopmentConfig')    app.register_blueprint(account.account)    app.register_blueprint(home.home)    return app


#!/usr/bin/python3# -*- coding:utf-8 -*-# Project: Flask_Session # Software: PyCharm# Time    : 2018-09-20 16:46# File    : manage.py# Author  : 天晴天朗# Email   : tqtl@tqtl.orgfrom Flask_Session import create_appapp = create_app()if __name__ == '__main__':    app.run()


#!/usr/bin/python3# -*- coding:utf-8 -*-# Project: Flask_Session # Software: PyCharm# Time    : 2018-09-20 16:53# File    : account.py# Author  : 天晴天朗# Email   : tqtl@tqtl.orgfrom flask import Blueprint, render_template, request, session, redirectfrom uuid import uuid4account = Blueprint('account', __name__)@account.route('/login/', methods=['GET', 'POST'])def login():    if request.method == "GET":        return render_template("login.html")    user = request.form.get('user')    pwd = request.form.get('pwd')    if user == "cxz" and pwd == "123":        uid = str(uuid4())        session.permanent = True        session['user_info'] = {
'id': uid, 'name': user} return redirect('/index/') else: return render_template('login.html', msg='用户名或者密码错误!')


#!/usr/bin/python3# -*- coding:utf-8 -*-# Project: Flask_Session # Software: PyCharm# Time    : 2018-09-20 17:33# File    : home.py# Author  : 天晴天朗# Email   : tqtl@tqtl.orgfrom flask import Blueprint, render_template, request, session, redirecthome = Blueprint('home', __name__)@home.route('/index/', methods=['GET', 'POST'])def index():    user_info = session.get('user_info')  # {'k1':1,'k2':2}    print("原来的值", user_info)    session['user_info']['k1'] = 19939    user_info = session.get('user_info')    print("修改之后的值", user_info)    # session['modified'] = True,在配置文件中使用SESSION_REFRESH_EACH_REQUEST代替;    return 'Index'@home.route('/test/')def test():    user_info = session.get('user_info')    print(user_info)    return 'Test'


#!/usr/bin/python3# -*- coding:utf-8 -*-# Project: Flask_Session # Software: PyCharm# Time    : 2018-09-20 17:28# File    : settings.py# Author  : 天晴天朗# Email   : tqtl@tqtl.orgfrom datetime import timedeltaclass Config(object):    DEBUG = True    TESTING = False    DATABASE_URI = 'sqlite://:memory'    SECRET_KEY = 'fjdksjfdasljflksd'    PERMANENT_SESSION_LIFETIME = timedelta(minutes=20)    SESSION_REFRESH_EACH_REQUEST = Trueclass ProductionConfig(Config):    passclass DevelopmentConfig(Config):    passclass TestingConfig(Config):    pass

06 flask-session组件使用和原理(三)

6.1 将数据存储至Redis;



#!/usr/bin/python3# -*- coding:utf-8 -*-# Project: Flask_Session # Software: PyCharm# Time    : 2018-09-20 17:28# File    : settings.py# Author  : 天晴天朗# Email   : tqtl@tqtl.orgfrom datetime import timedeltafrom redis import Redisclass Config(object):    DEBUG = True    TESTING = False    DATABASE_URI = 'sqlite://:memory'    SECRET_KEY = 'fjdksjfdasljflksd'    PERMANENT_SESSION_LIFETIME = timedelta(minutes=20)    SESSION_REFRESH_EACH_REQUEST = True    SESSION_TYPE = "redis"    # SESSION_REDIS = Redis(host='',port='6379')class ProductionConfig(Config):    SESSION_REDIS = Redis(host='', port='6379')class DevelopmentConfig(Config):    SESSION_REDIS = Redis(host='', port='6379')class TestingConfig(Config):    SESSION_REDIS = Redis(host='', port='6379')



#!/usr/bin/python3# -*- coding:utf-8 -*-# Project: Flask_Session # Software: PyCharm# Time    : 2018-09-20 16:46# File    : __init__.py# Author  : 天晴天朗# Email   : tqtl@tqtl.orgfrom flask import Flaskfrom .views import accountfrom .views import home# from flask.ext.session import Sessionfrom flask_session import Sessiondef create_app():    app = Flask(__name__)    app.config.from_object('settings.DevelopmentConfig')    app.register_blueprint(account.account)    app.register_blueprint(home.home)    # 将Session替换成Redis;    Session(app)    return app


6.2 Mac版本的Redis可视化工具redis desktop manager的使用;

07 flask-session组件使用和原理(四)

7.1 flask-session的作用:将默认保存的签名cookie中的值保存到Redis、memcached、file、MongoDB、SQLAchemy;

7.2 配置方法;

app.config['SESSION_TYPE'] = 'redis'

app.config['SESSION_REDIS'] = Redis(host = '',port=6379)

7.3 替换方式;

from flask_session import Session


7.4 注意事项:session中存储的是字典,修改字典内部元素时候,会造成数据不更新;

  • modified = True ,默认值为False
  • SESSION_REFRESH_EACH_REQUEST = True and session.permanent = True (Redis中默认)

08 基于pymysql实现用户登录

8.1 基于pymysql;

#!/usr/bin/python3# -*- coding:utf-8 -*-# Project: Flask_Session # Software: PyCharm# Time    : 2018-09-20 20:13# File    : sql.py# Author  : 天晴天朗# Email   : tqtl@tqtl.orgimport pymysqlclass SQLHelper(object):    @staticmethod    def open():        conn = pymysql.connect(host='mysql123.cuixiaozhao.com', port=3306, user='root', passwd='Tqtl911!@%*)',                               db='flask_session')        cursor = conn.cursor(cursor=pymysql.cursors.DictCursor)        return conn, cursor    @staticmethod    def close(conn, cursor):        conn.commit()        cursor.close()        conn.close()    @classmethod    def fetch_one(cls, sql, args):        # cursor.execute("select id,name from users where name = %s and pwd = %s", ['cxz', '123', ])        conn, cursor = cls.open()        cursor.execute(sql, args)        obj = cursor.fetchone()        cls.close(conn, cursor)        return obj    @classmethod    def fetch_all(cls, sql, args):        conn, cursor = cls.open()        cursor.execute(sql, args)        obj = cursor.fetchall()        cls.close(conn, cursor)        return obj

8.2 pymysql的练习和使用; 

#!/usr/bin/python3# -*- coding:utf-8 -*-# Project: Flask_Session # Software: PyCharm# Time    : 2018-09-20 19:53# File    : MySQL数据库练习.py# Author  : 天晴天朗# Email   : tqtl@tqtl.orgimport pymysqlconn = pymysql.connect(host='x.x.x.x', port=3306, user='root', passwd='Tqtl911!@%*)', db='flask_session')cursor = conn.cursor(cursor=pymysql.cursors.DictCursor)cursor.execute("select id,name from users where name = %s and pwd = %s", ['cxz', '123', ])obj = cursor.fetchone()conn.commit()cursor.close()conn.close()print(obj)

09 基于数据库连接池实现用户登录(出bug)

9.1 DBUtils模块初识;



#!/usr/bin/python3# -*- coding:utf-8 -*-# Project: Flask_Session # Software: PyCharm# Time    : 2018-09-21 10:26# File    : pool.py# Author  : 天晴天朗# Email   : tqtl@tqtl.orgimport timeimport pymysqlimport threadingfrom DBUtils.PooledDB import PooledDB, SharedDBConnectionfrom manage import appPOOL = PooledDB(    creator=pymysql,  # 使用链接数据库的模块;    maxconnections=6,  # 连接池允许的最大连接数,0和None表示不限制连接数;    mincached=2,  # 初始化时,链接池中至少创建的空闲的链接,0表示不创建;    maxcached=5,  # 链接池中最多闲置的链接;    maxshared=3,    # 链接池中最多共享的链接数量,0和None表示全部共享。PS: Useless无用,因为pymysql和MySQLdb等模块的 threadsafety都为1,所有值无论设置为多少,_maxcached永远为0,所以永远是所有链接都共享。    blocking=True,  # 连接池中如果没有可用连接后,是否阻塞等待。True,等待;False,不等待然后报错;    maxusage=None,  # 一个链接最多被重复使用的次数,None表示无限制;    setsession=[],  # 开始会话前执行的命令列表。如:["set datestyle to ...", "set time zone ..."]    ping=0,    # ping MySQL服务端,检查是否服务可用。# 如:0 = None = never, 1 = default = whenever it is requested, 2 = when a cursor is created, 4 = when a query is executed, 7 = always    host='mysql.cuixiaozhao.com',    port=3306,    user='root',    password='Tqtl911!@%*)',    database='flask_session',    charset='utf8')

9.2 模式一:模式一:为每个线程创建一个连接,线程即使调用了close方法,也不会关闭,只是把连接重新放到连接池,供自己线程再次使用。当线程终止时,连接自动关闭。

POOL = PersistentDB(    creator=pymysql,  # 使用链接数据库的模块    maxusage=None,  # 一个链接最多被重复使用的次数,None表示无限制    setsession=[],  # 开始会话前执行的命令列表。如:["set datestyle to ...", "set time zone ..."]    ping=0,    # ping MySQL服务端,检查是否服务可用。# 如:0 = None = never, 1 = default = whenever it is requested, 2 = when a cursor is created, 4 = when a query is executed, 7 = always    closeable=False,    # 如果为False时, conn.close() 实际上被忽略,供下次使用,再线程关闭时,才会自动关闭链接。如果为True时, conn.close()则关闭链接,那么再次调用pool.connection时就会报错,因为已经真的关闭了连接(pool.steady_connection()可以获取一个新的链接)    threadlocal=None,  # 本线程独享值得对象,用于保存链接对象,如果链接对象被重置    host='',    port=3306,    user='root',    password='123',    database='pooldb',    charset='utf8')def func():    conn = POOL.connection(shareable=False)    cursor = conn.cursor()    cursor.execute('select * from tb1')    result = cursor.fetchall()    cursor.close()    conn.close()func()

9.3 模式二:模式二:创建一批连接到连接池,供所有线程共享使用。

import timeimport pymysqlimport threadingfrom DBUtils.PooledDB import PooledDB, SharedDBConnectionPOOL = PooledDB(    creator=pymysql,  # 使用链接数据库的模块    maxconnections=6,  # 连接池允许的最大连接数,0和None表示不限制连接数    mincached=2,  # 初始化时,链接池中至少创建的空闲的链接,0表示不创建    maxcached=5,  # 链接池中最多闲置的链接,0和None不限制    maxshared=3,  # 链接池中最多共享的链接数量,0和None表示全部共享。PS: 无用,因为pymysql和MySQLdb等模块的 threadsafety都为1,所有值无论设置为多少,_maxcached永远为0,所以永远是所有链接都共享。    blocking=True,  # 连接池中如果没有可用连接后,是否阻塞等待。True,等待;False,不等待然后报错    maxusage=None,  # 一个链接最多被重复使用的次数,None表示无限制    setsession=[],  # 开始会话前执行的命令列表。如:["set datestyle to ...", "set time zone ..."]    ping=0,    # ping MySQL服务端,检查是否服务可用。# 如:0 = None = never, 1 = default = whenever it is requested, 2 = when a cursor is created, 4 = when a query is executed, 7 = always    host='',    port=3306,    user='root',    password='123',    database='pooldb',    charset='utf8')def func():    # 检测当前正在运行连接数的是否小于最大链接数,如果不小于则:等待或报raise TooManyConnections异常    # 否则    # 则优先去初始化时创建的链接中获取链接 SteadyDBConnection。    # 然后将SteadyDBConnection对象封装到PooledDedicatedDBConnection中并返回。    # 如果最开始创建的链接没有链接,则去创建一个SteadyDBConnection对象,再封装到PooledDedicatedDBConnection中并返回。    # 一旦关闭链接后,连接就返回到连接池让后续线程继续使用。    conn = POOL.connection()    # print(th, '链接被拿走了', conn1._con)    # print(th, '池子里目前有', pool._idle_cache, '\r\n')    cursor = conn.cursor()    cursor.execute('select * from tb1')    result = cursor.fetchall()    conn.close()func()

9.4 补充说明; 如果没有连接池,使用pymysql来连接数据库时,单线程应用完全没有问题,但如果涉及到多线程应用那么就需要加锁,一旦加锁那么连接势必就会排队等待,当请求比较多时,性能就会降低了。

10 解决bug(一)

11 解决bug(二)

12 数据库连接池总结

12.1 每一个线程创建一个连接,关闭(默认不关闭),线程终止时,才关闭连接;

12.2 创建共享连接池;

12.3 应用;只要写原生sql,使用了pymysql就得使用数据库连接池DBUtils;

13 WTforms介绍以及用户登录示例

13.1 WTform安装;

13.2 WTform的使用;


#!/usr/bin/env python# -*- coding:utf-8 -*-from flask import Flask, render_template, request, redirectfrom wtforms import Formfrom wtforms.fields import corefrom wtforms.fields import html5from wtforms.fields import simplefrom wtforms import validatorsfrom wtforms import widgetsapp = Flask(__name__, template_folder='templates')app.debug = Trueclass LoginForm(Form):    name = simple.StringField(        label='用户名',        validators=[            validators.DataRequired(message='用户名不能为空.'),            validators.Length(min=6, max=18, message='用户名长度必须大于%(min)d且小于%(max)d')        ],        widget=widgets.TextInput(),        render_kw={
'class': 'form-control'} ) pwd = simple.PasswordField( label='密码', validators=[ validators.DataRequired(message='密码不能为空.'), validators.Length(min=8, message='用户名长度必须大于%(min)d'), validators.Regexp(regex="^(?=.*[a-z])(?=.*[A-Z])(?=.*\d)(?=.*[$@$!%*?&])[A-Za-z\d$@$!%*?&]{8,}", message='密码至少8个字符,至少1个大写字母,1个小写字母,1个数字和1个特殊字符') ], widget=widgets.PasswordInput(), render_kw={
'class': 'form-control'} )@app.route('/login', methods=['GET', 'POST'])def login(): if request.method == 'GET': form = LoginForm() return render_template('login.html', form=form) else: form = LoginForm(formdata=request.form) if form.validate(): print('用户提交数据通过格式验证,提交的值为:', form.data) else: print(form.errors) return render_template('login.html', form=form)if __name__ == '__main__': app.run()app.py



!DOCTYPE html>    



{form.name.label}} {
{form.name}} {
{form.name.errors[0] }}


{form.pwd.label}} {
{form.pwd}} {
{form.pwd.errors[0] }}

14 WTforms用户注册示例

14.1 基于WTforms做用户注册验证;


#!/usr/bin/python3# -*- coding:utf-8 -*-# Project: Flask_Session # Software: PyCharm# Time    : 2018-09-21 15:11# File    : register.py# Author  : 天晴天朗# Email   : tqtl@tqtl.orgfrom flask import Flask, render_template, request, redirect, Blueprintfrom wtforms import Formfrom wtforms.fields import corefrom wtforms.fields import html5from wtforms.fields import simplefrom wtforms import validatorsfrom wtforms import widgetsapp = Flask(__name__, template_folder='templates')app.debug = Trueclass RegisterForm(Form):    name = simple.StringField(        label='用户名',        validators=[            validators.DataRequired('用户名不能为空!')        ],        widget=widgets.TextInput(),        render_kw={'class': 'form-control'},        default='alex'    )    pwd = simple.PasswordField(        label='密码',        validators=[            validators.DataRequired(message='密码不能为空.')        ],        widget=widgets.PasswordInput(),        render_kw={'class': 'form-control'}    )    pwd_confirm = simple.PasswordField(        label='重复密码',        validators=[            validators.DataRequired(message='重复密码不能为空.'),            validators.EqualTo('pwd', message="两次密码输入不一致")        ],        widget=widgets.PasswordInput(),        render_kw={'class': 'form-control'}    )    email = html5.EmailField(        label='邮箱',        validators=[            validators.DataRequired(message='邮箱不能为空.'),            validators.Email(message='邮箱格式错误')        ],        widget=widgets.TextInput(input_type='email'),        render_kw={'class': 'form-control'}    )    gender = core.RadioField(        label='性别',        choices=(            (1, '男'),            (2, '女'),        ),        coerce=int    )    city = core.SelectField(        label='城市',        choices=(            ('bj', '北京'),            ('sh', '上海'),        )    )    hobby = core.SelectMultipleField(        label='爱好',        choices=(            (1, '篮球'),            (2, '足球'),        ),        coerce=int    )    favor = core.SelectMultipleField(        label='喜好',        choices=(            (1, '篮球'),            (2, '足球'),        ),        widget=widgets.ListWidget(prefix_label=False),        option_widget=widgets.CheckboxInput(),        coerce=int,        default=[1, 2]    )    def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):        super(RegisterForm, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)        self.favor.choices = ((1, '篮球'), (2, '足球'), (3, '羽毛球'))    def validate_pwd_confirm(self, field):        """        自定义pwd_confirm字段规则,例:与pwd字段是否一致        :param field:        :return:        """        # 最开始初始化时,self.data中已经有所有的值        if field.data != self.data['pwd']:            # raise validators.ValidationError("密码不一致") # 继续后续验证            raise validators.StopValidation("密码不一致")  # 不再继续后续验证@app.route('/register', methods=['GET', 'POST'])def register():    if request.method == 'GET':        form = RegisterForm(data={'gender': 1})        return render_template('register.html', form=form)    else:        form = RegisterForm(formdata=request.form)        if form.validate():            print('用户提交数据通过格式验证,提交的值为:', form.data)        else:            print(form.errors)        return render_template('register.html', form=form)if __name__ == '__main__':    app.run()# app.py




{% for item in form %}


{item.label}}: {
{item}} {
{item.errors[0] }}

{% endfor %}

15 内容总结

15.1 WTforms总结;


16 homework

16.1 补充了路飞学城CC授权播放;

16.2 flask-session的用法以及Redis的使用;

16.3 pymysql以及数据库连接池DBUtils;

16.4 WTforms;

16.5 Flask的上下文管理以及源码

16.6 flask-session;




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